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This page is an extension of the Tribute Page

...since cool websites and other web places dont really fit there too well
i might add other things besides web stuff here, but for now it is a home to my buttons

Neat buttons, stamps, and more i bring back from surfing the web
Many are from browsing personal websites or 88x31 button sites

Wikimedia Foundation

buttons that didnt fit on the main page

stamps and other gifs

heres my own button(s), Take a piece of me and bring it very far away!

88x31 button sites
...to browse websites and buttons to your hearts content

Neonaut's NeoCitizen Webscape
+2,400 Websites with buttons + more websites at the bottom

A.N. Lucas's 88x31 button Collection
The first button website i found by browsing neocities

NeoCities Neighborhoods
NeoCities' revamp/remake of GeoCities' "Neighborhoods", with buttons to each neighborhood
+ a NeoCities button collection + Just Geocities Graphics

exo.pet's Personal Entertainment Terminal

Buttons organized by topic, very handy

The Largest 88x31 Collection on the Internet
definately lives up to the name, ~600 on a page with 14 pages

Gif sites
...for your funny image needs

Cameron's World
Graphics from various GeoCities archives

The Horror Gif Necronomicon
Spooky and scary gifs, sounds, and other website accessories

MoMG Gif Gallery
99,969 Gif gallery, randomized through however many thousands of rooms

a handful of animals spinning